Hearing from the crowd that surrounds me during the Street Dance contest, this year drew a bigger crowd during the street dance parade. Thanks to a big number of contingents this year, composing of almost 50 public and private educational institutions from Elementary to College. Since I grew up in Mabalacat City, I decided to witness this year and I found myself inquiring for a media pass and squeezing myself under the heat of the afternoon just to capture these amazing and talented Mabalaquenos.

Caragan Festival is celebrated in honour of Haring Caragan, an Aeta chieftain, who married a Mabalaquena, evidence of Mabalacat’s Aeta ancestry. The streetdance festival is held every last Friday of February.
Be updated with the city’s latest events and updates throught the Mabalacat City News Facebook page. My heartfelt thanks to Ms. Amir of City Information Office for the Media Pass and Sir Elijah for guiding me through.

And to my surprise, I saw my cousins as one of the performers, shout out to Monmon, Dundin and Jared!

Here are my photographs taken through a 70-300mm telephoto lens: